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The Teachers' Day Man-Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: A Memory🎉

The Man whose birthday is celebrated as Teachers' Day in India.   The Man who was also  the 2nd President of India “The end -product of education should be a free creative man, who can battle against historical circumstances and adversities of nature .” This is one of the famous quotes by the legendary Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan; the man who dedicated his life to the betterment of education in India. Although he passed away on 17th April 1975, his teaching holds great significance and his idea of education inspires us to acquire knowledge beyond what is present in academics.  Early Life Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born on September 5, 1888, in the small town of Tiruttani. His father always wanted him to be a priest but his talent and curiosity for learning was immense. As a result, he embarked on an academic career by joining the school in Tirupati and Vellore. Further, he enrolled in the prestigious Christian College, Madras, in order to pursue philosophy and explore the di

Dr Radhakrishnan became which high school profesor in 1931?

Dr.S Radhakrishnan held the post of Vice-Chancellor of Andhra University from 1931 to 1936, followed by Vice-Chancellor of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in 1939, succeeding Madan Mohan Malviya. Dr Radhakrishnan was a scholar and was knighted in 1931 to be addressed as Sir S Radhakrishnan till the time India gained independence. He was also named as Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at the University of Oxford. Also, he was elected as the Fellow of the All Souls College  

Flag Hoisting🚩 vs Unfurling🏁, know the difference between 15 August & 26 January flag ceremony⚐⚐P🏳🏴⚐

Many people donot know the difference between  Flag Hoisting vs Unfurling.Similarly,they donot know the difference between 15 August & 26 January flag ceremony.But donot worry as today both your doubts will be cleared related to this two events of National Importance. You have landed on the perfect site for this. So, Let's Begin :⚐⚐P🏳🏴⚐   On Independence Day is the National Flag hoisted or unfurled? Many people believe that the terms hoisted and unfurled are synonyms, but there is a significant difference between the two. Understanding the Difference: On 15th August, Prime Minister hoists the national flag to honour the historical event of India’s Independence. On Republic Day, President of India unfurls the flag on Rajpath before presiding over a parade. While both the events honour and pay respect to the national flag and might look the same in one way or another, but there are some differences in the ceremonies. On Independence Day, the hoisting of the flag signifies the

Being Smart😎,Clever😜,Witted😏 or Wise☺😉?Which is the best?

Being Smart😎,Clever😜,Witted😏 or Wise☺😉?Which is the best? Today,we will tell you which one is best out of all these. First of let us start with SMART It is comparatively a little new and modern word when compared with other words. Smart has various meaning such as 1. well dressed (E.g He is looking very smart today) 2. related to intelligence and sharp (E.g He is smart enough to handle him.)   CLEVER  able to understand things easily or plan things well She is  so clever that she bought the house at 50% discount. WITTED mentally keen or quick  She is a witted person. WISE having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right;  She is so wise.  She handled the situation wisely.   SMART VS CLEVER VS WITTED VS WISE Smart is more related to looks  i.e well dressed and also intelligence. Clever is more like able understand the a thing faster. It also has a negative sense. As clever can be associated with people who cheat others or think of self profit before ot

Is Indian Government Making Education A Business???🤔🤔💰😯🙁😕

''Education in India has become business just because of the government. The Government of India is solely responsible for it and people who choose such corrupt and iliterate leaders. Either directly or indirectly, it is the failure of government. At one side the government promises to make education accessable to all and at the other side secretly promotes education as a buisness.'' This is the thought that comes to the mind of every Indian. Every citizen in India,at some point of their have had this thought in their mind. The mains reasons for the people to believe that that the government has made  education a business are:- 1. Lack of proper government requlatory policy - There are no proper regulatory policy to make things in the education sector. Even if there are any polices,they have never been implemented properly. 2. Skyrocketing fees in private institutions -The fees in Pvt Institution is increasing many folds and there is no effort from the Gov to keep it i

The Meltdown has Begun!!🏜

🏞We all know.. that the Earth’s glaciers are melting at an alarming rate as climate change inexorably marches on! But, it is indeed news to know that there are some frozen features of Earth that are resisting glacial melt, defying the trend of glaciers losing mass across the globe. 

Secrets of Android Shhh! Don't Tell Anyone!😲🤐

Welcome To The Best Site Where We Will Open The Book Of Secret Android Codes Only For You!!! Your Android phone has thousands of secrets and features which you donot know about. Donot worry. We will open these book of secrets but in return you have to share this site to all your friends and family. Also remember social media is a thing now. This is the best site to know all your hidden android codes. We have done research and almost all the codes work in most of the Android phones . If some of the codes doesnot work then you are free to comment in the comment section and we will reach to you immediately.   *#06# displays the IMEI and Serial Number *#1234# Firmware version - you can check Firmware Version and Model Name   *#7353# Test Menu  -  For Testing:-Earpiece, Vibration, Loud Speaker, Diming, VT Camera, TSP Dot Mode, TSP Grid Mode, Accelerometer, Proximity Sensor, Light Sensor *#0*# Advanced Test Menu - Here Test The : LCD Display, Touch, LED light, Front and Back Cameras and mo

Ew!So Many Pimples in Teenagers Why? How Do I Avoid Them😣😡

To know about the right  food habits and foods to eat in diet to prevent acne and pimples.Read this Article  Right Food to Eat To Prevent Acne An inflammatory condition, acne is known to affect around 50 per cent of teenagers. Apart from causing cosmetic concerns, acne may also lead to psychological problems like low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and difficulties in social interaction. Below is the list of common foods that can hurt the gut and be the cause of acne vulgaris. * Foods rich in refined carbohydrates that include bread, crackers, cereal, pasta or desserts made with white flour, white rice and rice noodles, sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages and sweeteners like cane sugar, maple syrup, honey or agave * Dairy products that may be laden with hormones and antibiotics that destroy the gut lining such as industrial cheese, processed milk, soft cheese spreads, flavoured yoghurt and ice creams Fast food items, such as burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, french fries,

A SpaceVenture on SSLV and PSLV To Space and Back!!!🚀

What makes launch service SSLV different from PSLV? Details inside On 7th August 2022 at 9:18 am (IST),  the Indian Space Agency – ISRO will undertake the maiden launch of the SSLV-D1/EOS-02 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota. SSLV is the newly developed Small Satellite Launch vehicle which has been developed with the aim to cater to the on-demand satellite launch market. The lucrative multi-billion-dollar market is responsible for fueling space aspirations across the world, with private companies like SpaceX leading the scoreboard of the game. The cost-effective solution vehicle will inject the 135-kilogram satellite into a low-earth orbit of about 350km to the equator with AzadiSat developed by 750 girls. Despite other launch vehicles, what is the need for SSLV? As the name suggests, SSLV or the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle’s sole purpose is to launch small satellites and therefore, free up the most popular launch vehicle – PSLV for bigger missions to space

Is This Plant On Birth/Child Control !!!🌳🤔

Bamboos in India From traditional uses like making furniture and construction works, bamboo is now being replaced as a more sustainable option. From bamboo water bottles, toothbrushes, bags, clothes, cutlery items, to being used as food items and more, the growth of bamboo is inevitable. These fast-growing plants can be harvested in about three years and have carbon-absorbing properties. It is also known for conserving water and reducing evaporation of water from the land surface, which is an important feature in arid and drought-prone regions. India thus has an advantage. India is the world’s second-largest cultivator of Bamboo after China, with 136 species and 23 genera spread over 13.96 million hectares. India has abundant resources and species diversity of Bamboo. More than 50% of the bamboo species occur in Eastern India – Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, and West Bengal. Andamans, the Bastar region of Madhya Pradesh, and the Wester

Products Sold @99,149,999 Why not @100,150,1000?😈💱💵💰

Have you ever wondered why companies sell products with price tags of 99,149,249,299 or even 19999 instead of 100,150,250,300 or 20000? Why does 'Companies' sell smartphones @$499 or $999?  What is the mystery behind it?   Let's demystify it.... Well ,let's get straight to the answers. The answer is that companies have been playing with you psycologically and making you to buy more than you need and spend few extra dollars. All this is done by just reducing a penny or a rupee!!! As many of you 'bright minds' must have guessed , it is a marketing stratergy of companies. BUT HOW DOES IT WORK??? Walk around any retail space, be it a grocery store, boutique, big-box store or mall, and look at the price tag. Very quickly, you'll notice a pattern: It seems like every single price tags ends in .99 and so on.  You are choosing some products and are faced with $0.49, $1.99, $49.99, $ 99.99, etc. In psychology, they call it "effect of the digit to the left"

Is Earth A Bomb About To Go Boom!!!🌍🌏☠💣💥

      The heat at the core of the Earth is important for a number of things, primarily it helps sustain the planet’s magnetic field as well as helps keep surface temperatures relatively in check. The glowing and flowing fiery iron in the Earth’s core is critical life on the planet but that might not be the case forever. And scientists are now suggesting that the temperatures in the core  (now roughly 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit) are cooling at a much faster rate than originally anticipated. Basically, they’ve been on the downtrend since the beginning, but the cooling pace is picking up and that’s going to be an issue.  It isn’t possible to measure the exact temperature of the Earth’s core or to track the increases or decreases in a 1:1 type fashion, so scientists have had to come up with different methods to track what exactly is happening there. According to reporting by Science Alert , a group from Switzerland is working to try and measure the temperatures to determine

What are these Sites and why are they Importance🏞🌬🌄

Designation of the new Ramsar sites would help in the conservation and management of wetlands and the wise use of their resources. Among the new Ramsar sites are Nanda Lake (Goa), Sirpur Wetland (Madhya Pradesh), Satkosia Gorge (Odisha), Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary (Karnataka), Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve, Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary, Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary, Vembannur Wetland Complex, Udhyamarthandapuram Bird Sanctuary and Vellode Bird Sanctuary (Tamil Nadu). Endowed with three distinct Coastal ecosystems namely coral reef, seagrass bed, and mangroves, the Gulf of Mannar is considered one of the world's richest regions from a marine biodiversity perspective and is known for its unique marine diversity of global significance. Meanwhile, the Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary is a significant man-made wetland that covers an area of 72.04 ha. Situated in Nanguneri Taluk of Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu, it is the largest reserve for breeding resident and migratory wa

Unimaginable Bond Of Love💘🐾

Unimaginable Love  Where Meeny came from , I'll never know, but I remember her arrival at Damur Hills, my home in a part of northeast India, in early 1969. That morning I was sitting  on a river bank, when I noticed a gang of road workers passing by, behind them was a diminutive sand coloured creature like a jackal. Only its twisting of tail and standing straight proved it was a dog.🐕 But I saw a pair  of lustrous,innocent eyes and as they ingratiatingly accepted a piece of toast. Her peculiar  size made  me name her Meeny. She seemed happy to stay with me. As we set off to daily walks,our first step took us  into the domain of forest animals. The forest full of dangers specially for a dog like Meeny. For instance, leopards love showing dominance on dogs and rate them high on list of targets. But, Meeny's instincts served her well and she assessed her new environment quickly. But to bring a leopard into the household seemed more audacious. Nevertheless, I had no hesitation

Foods to Eat to Prevent Acne/Pimple🌮🌭🍝🍨🍟🍔🍗

Instead of consuming food that destroys gut health and may lead to acne, there are foods that can decrease gut inflammation, repair the gut lining and lead to clearer skin and lesser chances of stiff acne. These include:🍎🍏🍉🍊🍑🌽🍅🍓🍒🍌🍇🍋🍈 1. Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3s fats in seafood, nuts and flaxseeds is anti-inflammatory and improves gut biodiversity and regular consumption leads to reduced risk of developing acne 2. Probiotics: Probiotics such as kanji, homemade pickles, kimchi promote a healthy gut and balanced microbiome, which is linked to reduced inflammation and a lower risk of acne development 3. Turmeric: Turmeric contains the anti-inflammatory polyphenol curcumin, which can help regulate blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity and inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria, which may reduce acne 4. Glutathione, L- Glutamine, Vitamins A, D, E and Zinc: These nutrients play crucial roles in intestinal healing, skin and immune health and help prev

Brachystelma attenuatum Wow!This name is difficult to pronounce🍀🌱

Brachystelma attenuatum , a rare plant species, makes comeback after 188 years Like in soap operas the lead actor comes back to life after years of being non-existent, a plant species, after 188 years of being extinct has been rediscovered in Himachal Pradesh. The plant, ‘Brachystelma attenuatum’, a rare, threatened, and presumably extinct species, was rediscovered by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI) scientists. Know about the species ‘Brachystelma attenuatum’ is characterized by its larger flowers with long and narrow corolla lobes that separate it from Brachystelma parviflorum, another species from the same genus. This species was described by Robert Wight under the genus Eriopetalum Wight in 1835 based on J.F. Royle’s collection from Doongie (Dungi, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh). The species appears to be declining as a result of local exploitation for its edible tubers. The study suggested that the species should be categorized as Critically Endangered based on IUCN Red List crit

Corruption The Root Cause of this Social Evil 👺👹💱💲

Have you ever wondered what is the root cause of corruption? Why people sell their soul for just for few paper notes?Want to know why than continue reading Here we have enlisted the root causes of corruption in systems all over the world. The adverse effects of corruption are impacting the economic development in the worldwide countries. Main Causes of Corruption .  1. Low Pay scales/ Wages. Most of the employees in the government sector are paid low wages and salaries. Hence some employees revert to corruption for more financial benefits.  2. Low Job opportunities. This is another cause of corruption .  3. The root causes of the rampant corruption in the country are lack of responsibility, lack of effective accountability, poor performance, unchecked and limitless power all play a very important role to produce the deteriorate law and order. 4. Amo ng the most common causes of corruption are the political and economic environment, professional ethics and moral

Political Instability/The Play For Power👑

  Do you know why people blame the Government for all their hardships?Should Government be blamed?If yes, than will just playing the blame game help?     Why Indian Gov is to be blamed for commercialising Education? Click Here         An election that is not free and fair is one of the major causes of political instability in many countries across the globe. Mass unemployment and poverty can easily trigger political instability in any country. When majority of the people in a country are impoverished and cannot find jobs to do, then they vent their anger on the government       Lack of political continuity in the application of government tends towards sudden violent or disruptive change and fluctuation. Political instability is a function of a lack of consensus, which may arise as a result of colonial influence, a failure to materialize the sense of 'nationhood' in the citizenry, dictatorship, economic instability or foreign influence.   The political instability

Valley of Flowers🌺🌻💐🌸🌹🏵

UNESCO World Heritage Site, Valley of Flowers opens for public from today Summers are the best time to wander in nature. Imagine yourself amid the tall green trees adjacent to the mountain; the river flows nearby, you can see it, birds are chirruping loud, and you can hear it. This can be your reality, as UNESCO World Heritage site, the Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand, opened for tourists on Wednesday, June 1. Situated at an altitude of around 3,600 m above sea level, the Valley of Flowers remains accessible to the public from June to October. One of the major attraction points for tourists in Uttarkhand, the Valley contains many rare and unique flowers, including Brahmkamal, the State flower of Uttarakhand. The garden of flowers In the backdrop of the mighty Himalayan ranges, the Valley of Flowers National Park spreads over an area of 87 sq km in Chamoli, Uttarakhand. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Valley is believed to have been discovered in 1931 by three British mountaineers –

A Shabby Home🕊🐢

    A  SHABBY HOME 🐢🕊 A Tortoise was resting under a tree on which a bird had  built its nest. The tortoise spoke mockingly to the bird,'' Your home is so shabby. It has no roofs and looks really messy. And the worse thing is that you have to build it yourself with broken sticks,twigs and other pathetic things.'' '' Yes, its made of twigs and sticks and i like it because i built it myself' ', said the bird. '' You all birds are the same. Look at us we have a natural home and our shell is far better and comfortable than yours. You must be jealous of my shell,isn't it ?'', said the tortoise. The bird replied,'' My home may not be as natural as yours but it has space for my family and friends but your shell cannot accomodate anyone other than you. Maybe your house is better but i have a better home.'' *WELL A CROWDED HUT IS BETTER THAN A LONELY MANSION.

Who is this New Snail in the Garden🐌

Haploptychius sahyadriensis – New Snail species discovered in Maharashtra The Western Ghats is full of surprises. The northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra has a new species of snail – Haploptychius sahyadriensis, a third in the genus Haploptychius. The species is endemic to Vishalgad Conservation Reserve in Kolhapur. Earlier in 1860s, the species H. andamanicus and H. pfeifferi were recorded in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. About the Species Haploptychius sahyadriensis is different from the other Indian and South-East Asian Haploptychius sp. It has a suboblique-heliciform shell, a low spire, and a strong parietal lamella. The researchers placed the new species in the genus Haploptychius based on the shell morphology and genital characters. The new species has unique genital anatomy in having a long penis with a penial sheath, the presence of penial appendix, penial hooks, atrium and vagina with longitudinal ridges and irregular transverse ridges respectively, but without any hook

Sloth Knowledge:Slothopidia

Sloths have little muscle mass In addition to a low and variable body temperature, sloths have also sacrificed muscle tissue. Although they might look quite large, most of a sloth’s visual mass comes from their unusually thick fur (probably another method of maintaining body heat). Underneath all the hair, sloths are surprisingly skinny. Muscle tissue is metabolically expensive to maintain, and in order to save energy, sloths have just 30% of the muscle mass expected for a mammal of similar size . Despite this apparent deficiency, sloths have an unusual muscle arrangement which gives them surprising strength and very high resistance to fatigue.   Did You Know? Designed Upside Down Sloths are anatomically designed for hanging upside down in the trees – even their organs are uniquely anchored against their ribs to prevent their weight from squashing the lungs when inverted! However, sloths do occasionally have to descend from the canopy and cross the ground to move between t

Sayonara Aqualife😢😭🐬🐳

Sayonara aquatic animals! See you near the north or south pole but not near the equators. Most of the marine species is found near the equator because of favourable conditions such as availability of food, optimum temperature required for survival and probably because chances of finding a patner is much higher. But rise in ocean temperature is forcing aquatic life to flee away from the equator According to a new study, global warming has caused temperatures to rise in water bodies. Consequently, it has led to tens of thousands of marine species to fleet the ocean away from the equator to places with cooler water temperature. According to a study conducted by researchers of the University of Auckland, nearly 50,000 species of aquatic life including fish, mollusks, birds, and corals reefs have moved towards the pole since 1955. WHY IS MARINE LIFE FLEEING AWAY FROM THE EQUATOR? The equator water is known to be the home to the richest diversity of aquatic life on earth. On the contrary, th