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  Just wanted to share a thing. This is  a video of Reporter Reporting during Hamas Israel Missile Strike in 2021. You can see a missile blast in near proximity of the reporter. The same reporter was reporting in Israel Palestine Warzone in 2023 and a similar incident took place. Now in the next video  you will get an idea of how fast missile strikes are! In the next video you will see that the missle strikes are faster than one can blink.

Funny jokes, isn't it?

लोट पोट करने बाली  चुट्कुले   1) एक हैदराबादी लड़का स्कूल से रोता हुआ घर गया भाई: काइकु रोरा? लड़का: टीचर मारी मेरेकू। भाई: काइकू मारी तैरेकु? लड़का: मे मुर्गी बोलै उसकू। भाई: अरे काइकू ऐसा बोला तु। लड़का: काइकू मतलब? हर बार मेरेकु एग्जाम में आंडा देती बो। 2) दो बाचे होस्टल मे पप्पू- अरे उठबे । कॉलेज नही जाना आज। रोहक_- अरे तूने ही तो काहाथा। पप्पू- मेने कब कहा नजाने को। रोहक- अरे कल ही  तो कहा तूने की एक जगह पर बार बार जाने से इज्जत कम हो जाती है। 3)टीचर_ राजू , घर की परिभाषा बताओ। राजू-" जो घर हौसले से बनते हे बो 'हाउस', जिस घर मे हबन होता हे बो 'होम', जिस घर  मे हबा चलती  हे बो 'हवेली', जिन घरों में दीवारों के भी कान होते हे बो 'मकान', जिन घरों की लोन देते देते आदमी लेट जाता है बो 'फ्लैट', और जिन घरो मे यह भी पता नहो की बगल बाले घर मे कौन रहता है बो 'बुंगला' कहलाते है।

Corruption In RTOs:The Hotspot of Corruption in India👹👺😠💵💸🛐💲💱

REGIONAL TRANSPORT OFFICE has always been a hotspot for corruption and till date there is not a single dent the RTOs. Corruption begins even before you enter the office. The brokers and dalals stop you infront of the gate and thats where the corruption starts. Its not rocket science that the people working RTOs and RTO officers are involved too but the play this game in such a way that they remain behind the screens.     For Example,  If someone want make a DL for MCWG or LMV then when one pays bribe the RTO officers get a cut of Rs 600 while the broker makes 200 while in LMV they get 1500 while broker gets 400. The officers pass  only the person who has paid bribe and disqualify  the ones who donot pay bribe even when one doesnot make any mistakes. Is this how a RTO should function? Filled with corrupt officals and a place where corruption starts infront of the gate. First of all one has to pay hefty sum to Gov as fees for services for example Rs250 to RTO For LL Then Again Have

Is Indian Government Making Education A Business???🤔🤔💰😯🙁😕

''Education in India has become business just because of the government. The Government of India is solely responsible for it and people who choose such corrupt and iliterate leaders. Either directly or indirectly, it is the failure of government. At one side the government promises to make education accessable to all and at the other side secretly promotes education as a buisness.'' This is the thought that comes to the mind of every Indian. Every citizen in India,at some point of their have had this thought in their mind. The mains reasons for the people to believe that that the government has made  education a business are:- 1. Lack of proper government requlatory policy - There are no proper regulatory policy to make things in the education sector. Even if there are any polices,they have never been implemented properly. 2. Skyrocketing fees in private institutions -The fees in Pvt Institution is increasing many folds and there is no effort from the Gov to keep it i