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Is 5G A Necessary Evil or The Devil Of Man????

The 5G radio spectrum is divided up into bands, each with unique features as we move up into higher frequencies. 4G network uses frequencies below 6 GHz, but 5G operates on extremely high frequencies in the 30 GHz to 300 GHz range. Commercial 5G networks began to be deployed in 2020 worldwide and are expected to reach 12% of world mobile connections (1.1 billion) and generate revenues up to the U.S.$1.3 trillion by 2025 for operators. 5G had been deployed in 50 cities in the United States and countries like Japan and China have started 5G mobile services on a trial basis.   Now the problem with this especially in India is really severe. 1. 5G is unnecessary  Any on who is using 5g can say you with confidence that the main reason that  companies use to promote 5g is Higher Bandwidth(Internet speed). But in reality, the speed of 5g that a user gets is just a little with higher than 4g(you can consider it as 4g+). This was not the case when moving from 3g to 4g.  In 3g,one use

Why is Adipurush the "best" movie ever?

Top 10 >Reasons Adipursh is one of the "Best" Movies Recently, Adipurush movie has released in theaters and there has been a flood of people reviews bashing the movie. But these are the people who donot realise the importance of a "great" film like Adipurush in our society. So, without wasting any time , here are the top 10 reasons why you should consider Adipurush as one of the "Best" Movies ever made. 1. ENTERTAINMENT " Adipurush Delivers Entertainment" One of the roles that films usually play in our society is to entertain us and Adipurush has certainly delivered. Although not in theaters but think about all those reviews,articles,YouTube videos and other things bashing the movie that you have seen and enjoyee watching. So, certainly Adipurush has entertained you but indirectly. Think of a scenario where there would be no Adipurush. Who do you think those YT videos would have "roasted" and gained views and money. 2. UNITY IN DI

Devolution Of Odisha Govt

Let's keep it simple and straight. When the whole world is looking for ways to evolve and progress,the same is not the case with India let alone Odisha. Recently(From June 2023),the Odisha Govt has decided to stop DBT(Direct Benefit Transfer) of various schemes under Madhu Babu Yojna and have forced pensioners to go to disbursement centers and collect cash. This move shows the devolution of Odisha Govt and the person who took this decision to stop DBT is a big hurdle in the development of the state. It is because of these few foolish Ministers and people in power that ODISHA is still among the poorest and most backward states of India. What is your opinion on this matter? Comment down below.

Great Indian 'Silent' Bank Loot

Are Banks "Silently" Looting You?   Main concept of a Bank:- The main concept of a bank is based on "trust" between the bank and the depositor and between the bank and loane(one who takes a loan) . Basically,people keep their money in banks for safety, security & to get interest while the banks use this money to give loans to others and make a profit from it. And from the profit , it gives a share to its depositors and keeps the lion's share with itself. So, the bank is  happy and depositors are  happy and it will be a win- win situation for all. But,does it always work this way? Not Necessarily. If you have paid keen attention to your account balance in banks in the last few years then you might have noticed many unnecessary debits(reductions) in the balance. These debits are nothing but the various charges that banks levy on their customers such as 1. Late Fees 2. Debit Card Annual Fees 3. SMS Fees 4. Fees for not balance below minimum mon


PAN ADHAAR LINK FINE(Extortion by GOI) Another way of the bankrupt govt to extract money from the public. According of govt 30.06.2023 is last date to link PAN and ADHHAR with fine of RS.1000. This is just another way of the govt to snatch money from public.   There are almost 44 crore PAN accounts out of which only 25 crore were linked with Adhaar before the notification regarding fines came in. ( *information not verified) Means the tax department or the gov will get almost( 25×1000) crore rupees as fine figuratively. This is just another way of this autocratic govt to snatch money out of the public. BECAUSE IF THE TAX DEPARTMENT GENUINELY JUST WANTED TO LINK ADHAAR OF PEOPLE WITH PAN  then there are several different ways excluding fines. For Example, 1. The Govt could directly link the PAN and ADHAAR as they have both data with themselves.  Else 2. The banks could be given the responsiblity to link the PAN and ADHAAR as banks too have both the data .As citing PAN

Top 10 Android Games No Longer Available

Recently games like PUBG and Freefire have become popular. Many, who never  played a game in their life were introduced directly to these games. Therefore, some people believe them to be gold standard of gaming but they are nothing but ignorant people who haven't seen or played the actual gold standard of games that have come before. Games like PUBG and Freefire will not pass the test of time for instance  a game called Clash of Clans was popular before PUBG etc but today no one even talks about it. Also all these online gaming has destroyed the good old school offline games. Today, in this blog we will give you a list of free games that are the actual golds of gaming history till date in terms of graphics , gameplay and most importantly story and controls. Many of you may not have heard of  some names and many may question 'How are they better when they didn't pass the test of time too?' Well all these free good games have been removed or not so easy to get

Corruption In RTOs:The Hotspot of Corruption in India👹👺😠💵💸🛐💲💱

REGIONAL TRANSPORT OFFICE has always been a hotspot for corruption and till date there is not a single dent the RTOs. Corruption begins even before you enter the office. The brokers and dalals stop you infront of the gate and thats where the corruption starts. Its not rocket science that the people working RTOs and RTO officers are involved too but the play this game in such a way that they remain behind the screens.     For Example,  If someone want make a DL for MCWG or LMV then when one pays bribe the RTO officers get a cut of Rs 600 while the broker makes 200 while in LMV they get 1500 while broker gets 400. The officers pass  only the person who has paid bribe and disqualify  the ones who donot pay bribe even when one doesnot make any mistakes. Is this how a RTO should function? Filled with corrupt officals and a place where corruption starts infront of the gate. First of all one has to pay hefty sum to Gov as fees for services for example Rs250 to RTO For LL Then Again Have

How Toilets came into existence in Passenger Trains?🤔😃🚂🚊🚆🚈🚅🚄

Whether you agree or not but toilets play an important part in our lives. It is necessary to have toilets in public places as anyone could get "nature's call" at any moment.  Therefore, it is necessary to have toilets in public transports such as trains and flights. So, you must have imagined that we humans were aware of all these and that toilets in public transports such as passenger trains existed  since their inception,right? The answer is a big NO. In this article,you will know how toilets came into existence in passenger trains & as there were no toilets during the early days of trains in India & how one man comically changed it all. The first passenger train rolled on the tracks in 1853. It chugged between Bori Bundar (Mumbai) and Thane on April 16, 1853, covering a distance of 34 kilometers. For about 56 years, the trains then used to run without toilet facility. A passenger named Okhil Chandra Sen was about to travel on a train on 2nd July 1909. W


HOW GOVERNMENTS ARE PLAYING GAMES with Students in THE NAME OF RESERVATION!!  (Recently, a case in Supreme Court is filed in which ,Bhushan cited the example of the OBC candidate who secured 73rd rank, securing his place in general category but he was kept in the reserved category, affecting the prospect of another candidate from the reserved category. After hearing arguments, the top court scheduled the matter for further hearing on Monday and asked the Centre to file an affidavit in the matter. The plea, filed by Pankaj Kumar Mandal and two others, said: "It is a settled principle of law that reserved category candidates who meet the eligibility criteria as laid down for unreserved seats are entitled to get admissions against the 50 per cent general category seats. Thus, if a candidate is entitled to be admitted on the basis of his own merit, then such admission should not be counted against the quota reserved for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or any other reserved cate

Firefox Settings for Privacy (about:config)👀☡

Some important settings for Firefox in about:config. Those who donot know, Firefox Desktop browser and Firefox for Android( Till version 68)has some extra setting that can be accessed by typing about:config in search bar. This settings are people who need some extra features or more privacy in their Firefox browser. FUN TIP: Google Chrome has something similar too (but not as good as Firefox). Just type about:flags in the chrome search bar or chrome://flags to access them.  Settings for Firefox . Only if you want to try 1. You can also disable this in the About:Config settings with toolkit.telemetry.enabled set to false. 2. Resist Fingerprinting: privacy.resistFingerprinting = true Changing this preference to true will help to make Firefox more resistant to browser fingerprinting. 3. privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled = true This is a new preference with Firefox 67+ to block fingerprinting. 4. privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled = true Another n

Do you know the founder of ORS?🤔🤒🤕 Yes,Oral Rehydration Solution

ORS has become a household name these days as it acts as the basic treatment for diarrhoea and cholera. This solution can even be prepared by untrained people. July 29 is  observed as ORS day in India. But do you know its history and how it was discovered and most important question is  who discovered it? Dr Dilip Mahalanabis, is the pioneer of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution). How did he discover?  During the Bangladesh liberation war, he prepared a solution for rapid rehydration to fight diarrhoea and cholera in refugee camps. As he was already a part of research in oral rehydration therapy , he prepared this solution to treat people as the intravenous fluids (saline) stocks were running out. To convince people the new treatment would work, they were told it was an oral form of saline. “The oral solution that we elected to use consisted of 22 gm glucose (as commercial monohydrate), 3.5 gm sodium chloride (as table salt) and 2.5 gm sodium bicarbonate (as baking soda) per liter

Government Looting In The Name of HSRP and DL Test👹👿🤑💰🎃

GOVERNMENT is Looting in the name of HSRP and DL Test Fees and other services.They are not providing proper service to people yet charge huge amounts as fees,automata charges or convenience  fees  or GST etc. Also there is lot pf corruption in departments providing such services both in online and offline . 1st of all the Gov charges fees for DL TesT. The test just includes driving in a small track(smaller than even your garden)  and narrower than footpaths. And they donot provide any instructions or teach anything. Just for driving in the track you have to pay fees of about  Rs 400 or 500 and if you didnot pay bribe to the officers  than they will fail you even for slightest mistakes. And then you have to pay again the fees  of around Rs.300 to 600 as retest fees. This is clear loot.  And Also GOV has made HSRP mandatory and imposed fines of 10000 or more for vechicles without HSRP. Only one vendor is given all the charge  i.e  Makemyhsrp. Also they charge you hefty fees as convienece

Google's Policy"No one can exploit your data except us"😖😈😨

 Recently,most of you seen that when you create a Google account ,Google has made it conpulsory to give a phone number. Now for those who have created google accounts years ago without phone numbers , when they try to login to their accounts Google keeps forcing them to give their phone numbers in the name of ''Security". It is nothing else but google forcing you to give your phone numbers which is another attack of Google on user's privacy. It is just that Google saying "No one can exploit your data except us". It is completing evident from recent activities from google. Because if they really wanted to just do this for user security than there are thousands of other ways like Captcha Solving etc. But forcing users to give them their phone numbers is just another way of Google collecting much more data about you so that they can use it for advertisements etc and earn more money. Because for Google your private data for Google and other Tech Companies is noth

Alzheimer's disease Do you Remember?

According to the Alzheimer’s disease international (ADI), 75% of dementia cases go undiagnosed globally, with certain lower- and middle-income nations reporting rates as high as 90%.Unexpectedly many dementia sufferers said that they had only received the first information after receiving their diagnosis, with no post-diagnostic care. In higher-income countries, 37% patients said that they received no post-diagnostic care, while 45% in lower-income countries said they had not been offered assistance. Informal caregivers from lower-income nations reported that 62% of the individuals in their charge did not have access to post-diagnosis support. Globally, much more work needs to be done to increase access to knowledge, education, and resources in order to guarantee that persons with dementia have fair access to care no matter where they may reside. Alzheimer’s disease Symptoms 1) Patient experiences occasional moments of amnesia. 2) Those who have Alzheimer’s disease exhibit a number of

Modi commiting crime with Agnipath as He Did with The Farm Laws

  To know why protests against the Modi government's new "Agnipath" (armed forces recruitment) scheme have become the angriest in Bihar, it is instructive to take a morning walk in the historic Gandhi Maidan in Patna. Birthplace of the "JP Movement" in the early 1970s, in which venerable Jayaprakash Narayan led a mighty struggle of students and youth against Indira Gandhi's authoritarian rule, this sprawling ground visually illustrates two contrasting truths about today's Young India - hope and frustration. Hope exudes from the sight of India's globally incomparable young demography and the enormous creative potential it represents. Each morning, as I saw on a recent visit to Patna, the maidan is full of hundreds of young boys and girls undergoing rigorous physical training - sprinting, pushups, squats, lunges, crawls, surya namaskars - under the guidance of experienced instructors. These instructors are employed by dozens of training

Flag Hoisting🚩 vs Unfurling🏁, know the difference between 15 August & 26 January flag ceremony⚐⚐P🏳🏴⚐

Many people donot know the difference between  Flag Hoisting vs Unfurling.Similarly,they donot know the difference between 15 August & 26 January flag ceremony.But donot worry as today both your doubts will be cleared related to this two events of National Importance. You have landed on the perfect site for this. So, Let's Begin :⚐⚐P🏳🏴⚐   On Independence Day is the National Flag hoisted or unfurled? Many people believe that the terms hoisted and unfurled are synonyms, but there is a significant difference between the two. Understanding the Difference: On 15th August, Prime Minister hoists the national flag to honour the historical event of India’s Independence. On Republic Day, President of India unfurls the flag on Rajpath before presiding over a parade. While both the events honour and pay respect to the national flag and might look the same in one way or another, but there are some differences in the ceremonies. On Independence Day, the hoisting of the flag signifies the

Being Smart😎,Clever😜,Witted😏 or Wise☺😉?Which is the best?

Being Smart😎,Clever😜,Witted😏 or Wise☺😉?Which is the best? Today,we will tell you which one is best out of all these. First of let us start with SMART It is comparatively a little new and modern word when compared with other words. Smart has various meaning such as 1. well dressed (E.g He is looking very smart today) 2. related to intelligence and sharp (E.g He is smart enough to handle him.)   CLEVER  able to understand things easily or plan things well She is  so clever that she bought the house at 50% discount. WITTED mentally keen or quick  She is a witted person. WISE having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right;  She is so wise.  She handled the situation wisely.   SMART VS CLEVER VS WITTED VS WISE Smart is more related to looks  i.e well dressed and also intelligence. Clever is more like able understand the a thing faster. It also has a negative sense. As clever can be associated with people who cheat others or think of self profit before ot

Is Indian Government Making Education A Business???🤔🤔💰😯🙁😕

''Education in India has become business just because of the government. The Government of India is solely responsible for it and people who choose such corrupt and iliterate leaders. Either directly or indirectly, it is the failure of government. At one side the government promises to make education accessable to all and at the other side secretly promotes education as a buisness.'' This is the thought that comes to the mind of every Indian. Every citizen in India,at some point of their have had this thought in their mind. The mains reasons for the people to believe that that the government has made  education a business are:- 1. Lack of proper government requlatory policy - There are no proper regulatory policy to make things in the education sector. Even if there are any polices,they have never been implemented properly. 2. Skyrocketing fees in private institutions -The fees in Pvt Institution is increasing many folds and there is no effort from the Gov to keep it i

Ew!So Many Pimples in Teenagers Why? How Do I Avoid Them😣😡

To know about the right  food habits and foods to eat in diet to prevent acne and pimples.Read this Article  Right Food to Eat To Prevent Acne An inflammatory condition, acne is known to affect around 50 per cent of teenagers. Apart from causing cosmetic concerns, acne may also lead to psychological problems like low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and difficulties in social interaction. Below is the list of common foods that can hurt the gut and be the cause of acne vulgaris. * Foods rich in refined carbohydrates that include bread, crackers, cereal, pasta or desserts made with white flour, white rice and rice noodles, sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages and sweeteners like cane sugar, maple syrup, honey or agave * Dairy products that may be laden with hormones and antibiotics that destroy the gut lining such as industrial cheese, processed milk, soft cheese spreads, flavoured yoghurt and ice creams Fast food items, such as burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, french fries,

Products Sold @99,149,999 Why not @100,150,1000?😈💱💵💰

Have you ever wondered why companies sell products with price tags of 99,149,249,299 or even 19999 instead of 100,150,250,300 or 20000? Why does 'Companies' sell smartphones @$499 or $999?  What is the mystery behind it?   Let's demystify it.... Well ,let's get straight to the answers. The answer is that companies have been playing with you psycologically and making you to buy more than you need and spend few extra dollars. All this is done by just reducing a penny or a rupee!!! As many of you 'bright minds' must have guessed , it is a marketing stratergy of companies. BUT HOW DOES IT WORK??? Walk around any retail space, be it a grocery store, boutique, big-box store or mall, and look at the price tag. Very quickly, you'll notice a pattern: It seems like every single price tags ends in .99 and so on.  You are choosing some products and are faced with $0.49, $1.99, $49.99, $ 99.99, etc. In psychology, they call it "effect of the digit to the left"