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Unimaginable Bond Of Love💘🐾

Unimaginable Love  Where Meeny came from , I'll never know, but I remember her arrival at Damur Hills, my home in a part of northeast India, in early 1969. That morning I was sitting  on a river bank, when I noticed a gang of road workers passing by, behind them was a diminutive sand coloured creature like a jackal. Only its twisting of tail and standing straight proved it was a dog.🐕 But I saw a pair  of lustrous,innocent eyes and as they ingratiatingly accepted a piece of toast. Her peculiar  size made  me name her Meeny. She seemed happy to stay with me. As we set off to daily walks,our first step took us  into the domain of forest animals. The forest full of dangers specially for a dog like Meeny. For instance, leopards love showing dominance on dogs and rate them high on list of targets. But, Meeny's instincts served her well and she assessed her new environment quickly. But to bring a leopard into the household seemed more audacious. Nevertheless, I had no hesitation

A Shabby Home🕊🐢

    A  SHABBY HOME 🐢🕊 A Tortoise was resting under a tree on which a bird had  built its nest. The tortoise spoke mockingly to the bird,'' Your home is so shabby. It has no roofs and looks really messy. And the worse thing is that you have to build it yourself with broken sticks,twigs and other pathetic things.'' '' Yes, its made of twigs and sticks and i like it because i built it myself' ', said the bird. '' You all birds are the same. Look at us we have a natural home and our shell is far better and comfortable than yours. You must be jealous of my shell,isn't it ?'', said the tortoise. The bird replied,'' My home may not be as natural as yours but it has space for my family and friends but your shell cannot accomodate anyone other than you. Maybe your house is better but i have a better home.'' *WELL A CROWDED HUT IS BETTER THAN A LONELY MANSION.

A Father's Feeling👪👣

  A Father's Feeling Rinny and Sally👭 went to wash and change their dirty dresses. The committee was coming to afternoon tea. And, at tea, the two girls, dressed in smart, clean dresses, handed round cakes and bread and butter with demure and reserved looks. They knew how to behave at tea, at a party. They were enjoying the dignity of their own performance. Their eyes passed over their father as if he was only another guest, to be served. And now, seeking as it were a new level of security, of resignation, he said to himself, ‘Heavens, but what did I expect? In a year or two more, I shan’t count at all. Young men will come prowling, like dogs after Snowy.  I shall be an old buffer, useful only to pay bills. The ladies were talking about the cause of a boy of fourteen, a nice respectable boy, who had suddenly robbed his mother and gone off in a stolen car🕴 . Sally, sitting at her mother’s feet, was listening listening intently.  Rinny was feeding chocolate roll to Snowy. Stan felt