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Showing posts with the label Impreciso

English: A Weird Language

"English : A Weird Language" Let's face it English is a weird language There is no sand in a sandwich. No ham in a hamburger,🍔  And neither apple nor pine in pineapple. 🍎+🌲≠🍍  Quicksand takes you down slowly,  Boxing rings are square.🥊  "TO" is pronounced /tu:/ but "GO" is not /ɡu:/.  If writers write, how come fingers don't fing? 🖎 I f the plural of tooth is teeth, 𝩢 Shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth?  If a vegetarian eats vegetables, 🍅 What does a humanitarian eat?  When stars are out,they are visible, 🌠 But when lights are out they are invisible.💡  Why do people recite at a play yet play at a recital?🏄  And that's why you fill in a form by filling it out,  And a bell is only heard after it goes.🕭 And why when i wind up my watch , it starts⌚  but when i wind up this observation, it ends.

The Meltdown has Begun!!🏜

🏞We all know.. that the Earth’s glaciers are melting at an alarming rate as climate change inexorably marches on! But, it is indeed news to know that there are some frozen features of Earth that are resisting glacial melt, defying the trend of glaciers losing mass across the globe. 

Products Sold @99,149,999 Why not @100,150,1000?😈💱💵💰

Have you ever wondered why companies sell products with price tags of 99,149,249,299 or even 19999 instead of 100,150,250,300 or 20000? Why does 'Companies' sell smartphones @$499 or $999?  What is the mystery behind it?   Let's demystify it.... Well ,let's get straight to the answers. The answer is that companies have been playing with you psycologically and making you to buy more than you need and spend few extra dollars. All this is done by just reducing a penny or a rupee!!! As many of you 'bright minds' must have guessed , it is a marketing stratergy of companies. BUT HOW DOES IT WORK??? Walk around any retail space, be it a grocery store, boutique, big-box store or mall, and look at the price tag. Very quickly, you'll notice a pattern: It seems like every single price tags ends in .99 and so on.  You are choosing some products and are faced with $0.49, $1.99, $49.99, $ 99.99, etc. In psychology, they call it "effect of the digit to the left"

What are these Sites and why are they Importance🏞🌬🌄

Designation of the new Ramsar sites would help in the conservation and management of wetlands and the wise use of their resources. Among the new Ramsar sites are Nanda Lake (Goa), Sirpur Wetland (Madhya Pradesh), Satkosia Gorge (Odisha), Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary (Karnataka), Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve, Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary, Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary, Vembannur Wetland Complex, Udhyamarthandapuram Bird Sanctuary and Vellode Bird Sanctuary (Tamil Nadu). Endowed with three distinct Coastal ecosystems namely coral reef, seagrass bed, and mangroves, the Gulf of Mannar is considered one of the world's richest regions from a marine biodiversity perspective and is known for its unique marine diversity of global significance. Meanwhile, the Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary is a significant man-made wetland that covers an area of 72.04 ha. Situated in Nanguneri Taluk of Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu, it is the largest reserve for breeding resident and migratory wa

Are People Burnt As Fuel Here?Then What is BIOFUEL?

World Biofuel Day: Know why biofuels are important for India & the world  Bio-fuels are environment friendly and effectively address global concerns about containment of carbon emissions, which are causing a great deal of trouble in different forms and in different parts of the globe. Bio-fuels also promote sustainable development goals set by the UN and supplement conventional energy sources in meeting the rapidly increasing requirements of fuels, fueled by the need for rapid economic growth across the globe. Hence, World Bio-fuel Day is observed every year on 10th August to create awareness about the importance of non-fossil fuels. This day also highlights the various efforts being continuously made by the government for the sector. World Bio-fuel Day is being observed by the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. On World Biofuel Day Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to virtually inaugurate Rs.900-crore Ethanol Plant in Panipat. Bio-fuels are touted as an alternative to co

Is she/he the one you want??And have been waiting For years?A Good Leader👑

Important Qualities of a good political leader: He/She should believe in inclusiveness of people from all sections. He/She should be an representative for all sections of society and not discriminate people on basis of religion,caste or sex and give equal respect to all . He/she should have the courage to stand up and say what needs to be said rather than just tell what people like. He/she should work for people’s well-being rather than fighting for their better political positions. He/she must listen to the people and represent them faithfully. He/she should be loyal to the people he/she represents. And he/she should be loyal to other leaders so that they can work together and face problems together. Regardless of political parties and opinions, one should work with a range of other peoples to achieve the greatest good for the general public. He/she should resist themselves from various temptations of the political arena. He/she sh

Filaria-Monsoon Danger

About Filaria Monsoon has begun. With the arrival of the monsoon the chances of spreading bacterial and viral diseases have also increased and at the same time mosquitoes also increase in this season which acts as vectors for this. Lymphatic filariasis, a debilitating disease, is one of the most prevalent and yet one of the most neglected tropical diseases with serious economic and social consequences. It is a mosquito-borne disease caused by tissue-dwelling nematodes of Brugia malayi and Wuchereria bancrofti species. In India, 99.4% of the cases are caused by the species Wuchereria bancrofti with the other species Brugia malayi responsible for just 0.6%. The worms produce about 50,000 microfilariae (minute larvae) that enter a person’s bloodstream & get transferred when a mosquito bites an infected person. The infection leads to lymphedema, a buildup of fluid due to impaired function of the lymph vessels, in only a small proportion of people, even in areas of intense transmission,

Salary Break-Up

Many employees donot know or are not aware of the various allowances which are part of their salary . But donot worry ,you have ended up at the right place. Here, we will explain the various parts of your salary by breaking them up part by part.   A salary or pay slip contains basic information like the company's name, employee's name, designation and the employee's code. Salary's components primarily fall under income or Earnings and Deductions. Tax Deducted at Source (TDS): It is the amount the employer deducts on behalf of the income tax department. It is based on the gross tax slab of the employee. One can reduce this by investing in tax-exempt investments like equity funds, equity-linked saving schemes, Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Pension Scheme (NPS) and tax-saving fixed deposits. It appears on the deductions side of the salary slip. Hence, investing in section 80C instruments of the Income Tax Act increases your take-home salary. One can invest in mutua

Income Tax Vs TDS

Income tax refers to a compulsory contribution levied on an individual's income as per their earnings. There are standard tax slab rates for the money deducted from your gross income. In other words, it refers to the total tax liability on an individual basis, his annual taxable income after considering deductions & exemptions determined at the end of a financial year. TDS  (Tax Deducted At Source) On the other hand, TDS represents part of income tax already paid by the assessee, which can be set off against Income tax and balance tax liability to be paid.  It is a process through which the government can quickly and efficiently collect taxes. TDS, as the name suggests, is a part of your income tax which is deducted by the employer or other deductors while making payment to the employee and the same is deposited by them with the Income Tax department.  Differences between Income Tax and TDS TDS is deducted at the source periodically in a particular year. Income tax is paid dir


AAnaemia is still a menace, know Govt’s schemes to save women & children in thousands Anaemia is widespread in India owing to various reasons ranging from general disregard to health issues to poverty to educational backwardness, causing a significant percentage of maternal deaths in the country. It is also an associate cause in many more maternal deaths further caused by haemorrhage, septicemia, and eclampsia. As per recently released National Family Health Survey-V data, 52.2% of pregnant women in the age group of 15-49 years are estimated to be anaemic in India. If WHO estimates are to be believed, globally 42% of children less than 5 years of age and 40% of pregnant women are anaemic. The disturbing effects are not restricted here only, but anaemia in pregnant ladies also causes low birth weight among babies, putting millions of children at risk for lifelong issues involving poor cognitive development and deficient physical growth. These shocking pictures are enough to understa

Rhino Population Increasing

Rhinos population rises by 200 in four years, reveals Kaziranga’s census Kaziranga National Park, Assam on March 30, 2022, announced that the National Park has registered an increase in rhinos. The National Park completed 14th Rhino Census conducted from March 25 to 28, 2022. According to the Census, there has been an increase of 200 rhinos from 2018 despite 400 dying mainly due to natural causes. In 2018 Census the rhino population was estimated to be 2,413. The increase in the animal population can be attributed to the increased anti-poaching initiatives of the forest department, police inspections, coordinated efforts of the locals and the forest authorities, and the Government’s vigilance. Findings of the Census According to the 14th Rhino Census, Kaziranga National Park has a total of 2,613 rhinos. Of this, in the adult category (above 6 years) there are 750 males, 903 females, and 170 others whose gender could not be determined. Similarly, in the sub-adult population (3 to 6 year

No Scheme Available Problem In National Scholarshio Portal (CSSS) ,SC/ST SCHEME, Ministry of Minorities ,Higher Education Department

Why does it no scheme available in Central Sector Scholarship Scheme? How to apply for PM SCHOLARSHIP,TOP CLASS SCHOLARSHIP,  SC/ST SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIP ? Why does it show no scheme available for the given information in national scholarshio portal?   The simple answer is that the portal already has information about your performance in board exams. So if even a single information provided by you doesnot match than it will show you that  '' No Scheme available for given information'' Problem of No Scheme has been solved. Follow these Steps to Get Your Desired Scheme. 1. For your Board if you % is calculated for best 4 than put that % not % of all subjects. 2. Select your Board wisely because there are multiple variations of same board available. Ex. BIHAR Board is represented by 3 Boards in the portal. For CBSE or Jharkhand Board students there there are separate options available. 3. Select Parents Occupation Properly  4. Put Board Roll No. Properly. 5. Choose college p

Clinical Death Vs Biological Death

  Clinical death It can be regarded as first Phase of Death. In this breathung stops,blood circulation stops but person is not completely dead. Organs maynot receive oxygen or blood. With help of first aid or proper medical attention person can be saved. Example: as in movies person is shown to have stopped heart beat but Defibrillators are used to save him. Biological death   Oxygen cannot reach brain. Body cells begin to die. Occurs mostly after clinical death. Most organs become non functional. Person is surely said to be dead. No way to save a person. May be said as Actual Death. Example : person is dead and no way to save him. Cells have began to die.